1 Read the text. Discuss the questions.1 What examples of people taking exams seriously are mentioned?2 How serious are end-of-school exams in your country and your school? 3 Do you have a serious attitude to exam preparation? What sort of things. do you do?It's that time of year when young people around the world are preparing for exams. If you think people where you live take it extremely seriously, consider South Korea, where university entrance is so important that aeroplanes aren't allowed to take off during the country's main language listening test. Or Brazil, where as many as 8.6 million students take the Enem exam each year, competing for a place at university. Or China, where questions from the Gaokao university entrance exams are discussed in great detail on popular radio shows. Sure, it's a stressful time, but there's a lot you can do to make the experience as stress-free as possible. Let's hear from the best people to offer advice – recent graduates who've been through it all before. 2  Listen to eight people giving advice about exams. Which speakers (1–8) give advice about: a the time before an exam?b the day of the exam?c the time after the exam?  3 Listen again. Note the three best pieces of advice 4 Work in pairs. Which advice is the most useful? What advice would you add? 5 Look at the Grammar box. Which group of sentences (1 or 2) describes:a real past situations that were possibly true? b imaginary past situations that didn't happen?Modal verbs: past speculation, deduction and regretGroup 1 - speculation and regretIf I had passed, who knows? I may not have chosen this path.If I'd studied at the library, I could have avoided that.I should have given myself more time to revise.Group 2 - deductionMy friends must have been very stressed.My hair started to fall out, which might have been the stress.She can't have prioritised the questions correctly.More explanation in Grammar reference on p. 76. 6 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the word in capitals.1 I don't think I did the right thing when I lied about my friend. SHOULDN'TI… about my friend.2 There is a chance they didn't know about the delay. MIGHTThey... about the delay.3 I'm glad you found the keys. You risked spending allnight outside. COULDI'm glad you found the keys. You… all night outside.4 The presentation is excellent! I'm sure it took her at least a week to make it. MUSTThe presentation is excellent! It… her at least a week to make it.5 This drawing is too good to have been made by Jane. CAN'TJane… this drawing. It's too good.More exercises in Grammar practice on p. 77.