7 Choose the correct options to complete the conversation. Then listen and check your answers.A: They (1) can't / might / shouldn't have put the results on the website by now. They said they would be announced by the end of the day.B: It's only three o'clock. I'd be surprised if they were ready yet. Anyway, I don't want to know.A: Why not? You're clever. You (2) can't  / must / would have done badly. If you did badly, then I (3) can / must / should have done even worse!B: I'm not so sure. You're good at Geography. Oh look, here they are. I got a B.A: Oh, no! I'm sorry.B: No, it's fine. I knew I (4) may / must / should have revised more. Anyway, a B is fine. Look, you got an A. Well done!A: Wow! On a different day I (5) might / should / wouldn't have failed, because everything I revised the night before came up in the exam. I was just lucky.B: Luck has nothing to do with it. You (6) could / must / would have decided not to study at all, but you didn't.  8 Translate the Polish fragments of the sentences into English.1 My last exam was a failure. (Nie powinienem był zmarnować) so much time playing video games.2 Don't worry. Your brother (być może spóźnił się) for the 8.20 bus. I'm sure he'll arrive on the next bus.3 Why did you touch the oven? (Mogłeś poparzyć) your fingers!4 Sheila (na pewno wróciła) from the trip by now. I'm sure she's already at home.5 (Powinniśmy byli zapytać) the receptionist before we invited all those people to our room. 9 Work in pairs. Look at the situations. Discuss possible explanations for them.1 Your mobile phone bill is much higher than usual.2 When you arrive home, there are things all over the floor.3 Your teacher wants to talk to your parents.4 You texted a friend last night but she didn't reply.5 You waited for a bus for more than half an hour. Buses normally arrive every five minutes. 10  1 Write a situation similar to those in exercise 9. Your classmates must come up with possible explanations.2 Work in groups. Choose a photo from anywhere in this book. Make as many sentences as you can about it using modal verbs.3 Write about a time when you either passed or failed an exam. Write about the reasons for your success or failure, the consequences, and what you learnt from the experience.