7 Listen to part 3 of the talk. Match the events (a–c) with periods of time (1-2). Use one of the periods twice.a The TED organisers invite Tim to do a talk.b Tim starts working on his TED talk.c Tim's photo is put on the TED website.1 one month2 six months 8 Listen to part 4 of the talk. Which statement is not true according to Tim? 1 Self-starters are people who stop themselves procrastinating.2 It is difficult to stop procrastinating when there are no deadlines.3 Procrastinating stops many people from achieving their dreams. 9 Listen to the sentences from the TED Talk. Check if you know the meaning of the words and phrases in the box. big deal long-termon one's mind starelose one's mindaware 10 Think of examples of the following things. Then work in pairs and compare your examples.1 Things that people make a big deal about but which aren't that important in your opinion.2 Things you've had on your mind recently. 3 Reasons why people sometimes stare. 4 Any long-term plans or goals you have.5 Things you might not be aware of if you are wearing headphones and listening to music in the street. 11 Work in groups. Look at the different things that people do to stop procrastinating and getting distracted. Which tips would help you? Discuss.1 Break jobs into small steps. Give yourself mini-deadlines for each step. Tick the deadlines that you meet on time. Reward yourself with ten minutes to do fun things.2 Download an app on your computer that stops you visiting your favourite websites.3 Plan your next week by writing a list of things to do each day.CHALLENGEWork in pairs. Tim believes that 'everyone is procrastinating on something in life'. Tell your partner what you are procrastinating about and why.