1 Work in pairs. Discuss how old you have to be to do the things in Poland. What other legal age restrictions do you know about?• vote• leave school• drive 2 2 Listen to Alper from Turkey and Jimena fromColombia. How old do you have to be in the countries to do the things in exercise 1?  3 Listen again. Make notes about the reasons the speakers give for the opinions (1–3). 371 Why does Alper think the driving age should be higher? 2 Why does Jimena think a lower driving age is OK? 3 Why do they both believe the voting age should be lower? 4  Match the sentence halves. Add one word to each item. Use the Useful language box to help you.1 I sent him a text…2 Many birds in the northern hemisphere fly south in the winter…3 The city has a lot of roads for cyclists. That's…4 The only reason you should beep your car horn is ..5 The number of seats in the theatre has been reduced…6 The whole point of providing free university courses…7 Air pollution and traffic jams are caused…8 I went to school by car because…a the heavy rain.b it's now harder to get tickets.c the increase in privately owned cars. d warn other road users that you are there.e order to find food.f that he would understand why I'm angry.g to give people from poorer families access to education. h there are so few road accidents.     5 Work in pairs. Have a conversation between a manager of a local charity and a volunteer who wants to join in. Include the following aspects:reasons for joiningrequirements to be met by volunteersplanned activitiesgoal of charity actions 6 Work in groups, A and B. Imagine that the government in your country wants to change the legal age for one of the things in exercise 1. Group A, make a list of reasons in favour of this proposal. Group B, make a list of reasons why it might not be a good idea.  7 Work in pairs, one from group A and one from group B. Explain your side of the argument in exercise 6. Try to persuade your partner to agree with you. Use the phrases from the Useful language box.