1 Przekształć podane wyrazy tak, aby otrzymać logiczne i poprawne gramatycznie zdania.1 Have you ever wondered what the good sides of being a…  are? POLITICS2 Most of my schoolmates are planning to take… at college. ENGINEER3 The watch I got for my birthday is not only..., but it's also got many functions. ACCURACY4 It took Robert a long time to learn to live with his… DISABLE5 Julia has a… nature, but there's no bitter rivalry between us. COMPETE 2  Uzupełnij lukę w każdym zdaniu pasującym wyrazem.1 Jack tends to... off doing things until it's too late to do them.2 Laura fell … at work because she was on a sick leave for a few days.3 If you take action… of time, you'll avoid serious problems later on.4 We're really looking… to getting the results of the test.5 Fortunately, the bus came…  time, so we got to school earlier than usual.  3 Uzupełnij drugie zdanie, używając podanego wyrazu w niezmienionej formie tak, żeby zachować sens zdania wyjściowego. W każdą lukę można wpisać maksymalnie pięć wyrazów, wliczając wyraz już podany.1 Mr Jackson didn't die because the ambulance took him to hospital immediately.HADIf the... Mr Jackson to hospital immediately, he would have died.2 It's a shame my brother wasted so much time before his exams.WASTEDIf only... so much time before his exams.3 I'm sure he didn't check what time the next bus arrived.HAVEHe… what time the next bus arrived.4 It was a mistake not to set the alarm clock to wake you up in the morning.SHOULDYou... the alarm clock to wake you up in the morning.5 We're sure childhood was the most important time in Jim's life.MUSTChildhood… the most important time in Jim's life. 4 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami w nawiasach w odpowiednich formach. Dodaj niezbędne elementy, żeby otrzymać logiczne i poprawne gramatycznie zdania.1 If only you (send / I / invitation) to your wedding earlier! It's too late for me to change my arrangements now.2 It (may / be) Joan I saw the other day.3 I wish I (take / gap year) after college, as did some of my friends.4 Sandra (should / not / waste) so much time trying to catch up with the class.5 If Jerry had told you there was heavy traffic on Park Road, you (might / arrive) at your office much earlier.6 My mother thinks I (could / do) so much better in math if I would just try harder. 5 Przeczytaj zdania. Uzupełnij każdą lukę, przekształcając jeden z wyrazów z ramki w taki sposób, aby powstało spójne i logiczne zdanie. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.Uwaga: dwa wyrazy zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.be full have pass personal vote young1 The results of a survey show that most people are against lowering the... age.2 I wish I… enough time to learn another foreign language.3 … I find the idea of making a sun clock on the main street of the city great.4 If I… you, I'd buy a more accurate clock.5 I wish I had started learning another foreign language in my…