1 1 Translate the Polish fragments of the sentences into English.1 If you (będziesz cały czas próbowała) to stay accurate, you will succeed.2 She thinks that (nie ma sensu umieszczać) her name on this list.3 Why don't you (podejdziesz do tych egzaminów wstępnych) one more time?4 He should have (zapytać jakiegoś stulatka o jego poglądy) on modern life.5 I suppose he discourages her (znalezienia sobie nowego hobby) in her spare time.  2 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.1 Every… should be able to make and repair wooden objects.a clockmakerb carpenterc sailor2 Don't rush… so much if you feel tired.a aroundb abovec against3 If he hadn't been in hospital for a long time, he wouldn't have had to... with all the school material. a hang outb keep up c catch up4 He should have known how to... our admiration.a deserveb deprivec introduce5 You won't believe it. …. we've taken a week off to go places.a In timeb At lastc At one time 3 Complete each sentence with the word that best fitsthe gap.1 Everybody should… conclusions from their mistakes.2 They must have left in time, but on the… hand, it was during rush hour.3 If she had been able to make good… of that device, she wouldn't have spoilt it.4 The children would have listened to you if you had started your story with '… upon a time.'5 She had the flu and spent a week on… leave. 4 Use the word in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.1 His unfair… are not taken seriously by anybody. ACCUSE2 They announced their plans and… asked for our support. CONSEQUENT3 That reporter should have gained more…  information. VALUE4 As an extremely strict person, this manager notices any… in the company. ORDER5 He gathered a lot of… stories and wrote an amazing film script. IMAGINE