1 Choose the correct option to complete each sentence. There are more sets of words than you need.1 The goalkeeper waited for the ...'s signal and then… the ball.2 The defender managed to stop the ball and… it to the player on the other half of the ....3 Hundreds of ... watched the ice-skaters' race on the… 4 The… gave Mark some instructions on how to… the ball correctly.5 The… across the… was set too high; we had to lower it a bit before we started the game.a referee, kickedb throw, trackc coach, bounced net, courte pass, pitchf opponent, sailing g spectators, rink 2 Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.1 My team has won / scored / achieved another match. in the league.2 James scored / trained / encouraged hard before the tournament.3 He's a champion, Mark. You'll never beat / encourage / win him - accept it.4 Coach Mike chose five girls to win / go / represent our school at the local gymnastics competition.5 At first, I didn't want to run in the marathon, but my teachers represented / encouraged / did me to take part.  3 Translate the Polish fragments of the sentences into English.1  I (nie grałem w tenisa) since my injury.2 He (rozpoczął) his sports career in 2015.3 Kite surfing (stał się) very popular recently.4 (Czy kiedykolwiek uprawiałes) any extreme sports? 5 The players began playing better when the coach (dał) them some instructions. 4 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the present perfect or present perfect continuous.1 This athlete (represent) his country in the world championships for over 12 years.2 Look! I (buy) new running shoes. I'm going to do some jogging every morning.3 How long (you / surf) as a professional kite-surfer? 4 I (get) ready for the marathon for the past few months. I really hope to win it.5 The football association (not/announce) the hosts of the next World Cup yet.  5 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.1 How often does her husband work… at the gym?2 When did she decide to take… fitness?3 Which activities did she decide to take part…?4 How long did it take her to warm… ?5 Why did she give... going to the club? 6 Listen to the woman talking about her experience with fitness classes. Answer the questions in exercise 5. 7 Work in pairs. Discuss the topics below.Use the phrases in the box.I totally agree with you.That's a good point.Maybe, but ...I'm not sure I agree.I understand what you mean, but...1 The sport that should be practised in your school.2 Some sports are definitely overpaid.3 Are sports always healthy?It would be great to have a chance to play rugby at our school. Maybe, but we don't have a rugby pitch. We could think of discus throw instead.