1 Listen to the first part of a podcast about study-abroad programmes. Find out:1 who can do these programmes.2 how long people can go abroad and study.3 when the system started.4 what the possible benefits are. 2 Listen to Kenji, Catalina, Ania, and Maja talking about the exchange programmes they took part in. Match each speaker (1-4) with the correct sentence (a–e). There is one sentence you do not need.This speaker:a was encouraged to go by their friend's experience. b used the exchange to learn their relative's language. c is still in touch with the family they stayed with. d got involved in a relationship during their stay abroad. e decided to stay abroad after the exchangeprogramme.1 Speaker 1...2 Speaker 23 Speaker 34 Speaker 4 3 Listen again. Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.1 Before the trip to Germany, Kenjia was nervous and felt it was not his best decision. b was happy because his dream was coming true.c felt really mature because of making such a serious decision.2 When Catalina landed in Palermo,a she already spoke fluent Italian.b she was going to meet all the friends she had made there before.c it was something she had wanted to do for a long time. 3 During her stay in the USA, Aniala attended a local school.b was advised to find a job by her parents.c saw no cultural differences between Poland and the USA.4 Maja decided to go to Romaniaa after a successful stay in the USA.b and now regrets her decision.c for a much shorter time than her friend had been abroad.  4 Work in pairs. Think of two more benefits and three possible issues students might face when doing a study-abroad programme. Then discuss the questions.1 What do you think the biggest benefit is? Why? 2 What do you think the biggest issue is? Why?  6  Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.1 Would you be interested in the offer presented in the dialogue? Why? / Why not?2 What other questions would you want to ask the exchange programme agent if you called her about the Stockholm programme. What called her about answers would you expect in order to accept the programme?