1 Rewrite the phrases in italics using the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box.break downpull upcome down topick upqueue upturn out1 They offered to give me a lift to the airport and collected me from the hotel at eight o'clock.2 The bus stopped working on the way there so we were five hours late.3 It was the New Year holiday, so I had to wait in a line for hours to get a train ticket.4 I think the changes are basically because of two things: wealth and technology.5 A car stopped by the side of the road and the driver asked us for directions.6 I was worried because I'd never been abroad before, but everything was great in the end. 2 Check the meaning of the phrasal verbs in the questions below. Then, answer the questions.1 What are the best places to hang out with friends? 2 How often do you have a chance to lie around? 3 Who usually looked after you when you were a kid and your parents were not at home?4 When was the last time your school principal stepped out and made a speech to the students?  3 Work in pairs. Describe the photo on page 85, then answer the questions.1 How do you think the robot communicates with drivers?2 Would hitchhiking be fun for you? Why?/Why not? 3 Tell your partner about a time when the means of transport you were travelling on broke down. 4 Read about hitchhiking and match the headings with the paragraphs (1–6).a Fearb More wealthc New needs and opportunitiesd Legal restrictionse Low-cost flights.f Greater access to cars 5 Choose the best option to answer the questions.1 What do we learn about the author's hitchhiking experience?a He used to hitchhike a lot with his daughter. b He was too scared to try.c Hitchhiking was a popular way of travelling for him when he was young.d He gave up hitchhiking because there were always too many people waiting for a lift.2 What does the author suggest as one of the reasons. for the falling popularity of hitchhiking?a Robberies involving hitchhikersb Tripping and fallingc Cases of hitchhikers murdered by psychotic driversd Horror movies and mass media3 Why is the example of a city in Virginia given?a It's a solution that can reduce traffic.b To show that freeways are badly-organised.It's a solution that increases the comfort of driving. d It's a solution used in 80% of American states. 6 Work in pairs. Imagine you are standing at the side of a road trying to hitchhike. Tell your story.where you are goingwhat happens nextwhy you are hitchhikinghow the story endshow you are feeling  7 Tell your stories to other people in your class. Vote on the best one. Explain why it is the best story. 8 Work in groups. Discuss the questions.1 What comparison does the author provide from the website Wand'rly? Do you think it is a fair comparison? Why?/Why not?2 Why do you think the author says he got a different perspective to other tourists? Is it true? Do you think his perspective was better? Why?/Why not? 9 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.1 Do you think more hitchhiking is a good idea? What other reasons could there be for doing it?2 How could you make hitchhiking safer?