1 Look at the Grammar box. Match the structures (1-3) with the uses (a–c).1 past simple2 used to, would, past simple3 used to or past simplea to describe a past state over a period of timeb to describe individual past events and situationsc to describe a habit or regular action in the past  2 Read about Grand Tours. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Where possible, use would or used to. Otherwise, use the past simple.Humans have always been travellers, moving out of Africa to all parts of the world in search of space, food, and resources. But actually, the idea of guided tourism for leisure and education (1)... (not/start) until the 17th century, when the Grand Tour began to be established. Young aristocrats* from different parts of the world (2)... (enjoy) travelling for several months around important sights in Europe after they had finished university. The Tour often (3) ... (start) in the Netherlands, where the tourists (4) ... (hire) a coach, servants, and a tutor to show them the sights and teach them about what they saw. From the Netherlands, they went to Paris, where they (5) (can) take a French language course before moving on to Switzerland and then crossing the Alps to Italy. After an extensive tour of Italy, they (6) ... (go) home directly or return to the Netherlands via Austria and Germany. Those who (7) (not / have) enough of travelling would carry on south to Greece.The Grand Tour played an important role in education and in the spreading of culture. The tourists (8) ... (bring) back paintings and books that influenced artists in their own country. The Venezuelan Francisco de Miranda even saw the beginnings of the French Revolution on his Grand Tour, which led him to fight for independence for his country.  3 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.1 Do you think anyone does Grand Tours today? How are they similar to/ different from to the Grand Tours you read about in exercise 2?2 Where would you go if you could do a Grand Tour over a few months? Why? Think about: the sights you would visitthe food you would eat.  the people you would meet