4 Complete the text with the phrases in the box. There are more phrases than you need.changed,didn't use to see,get depressed,used to change,used to freeze,spent ,used to go,used to hate,used to spend,would get very wet,Andrew Skurka is an ultra-hiker. Every year, he (1)... on hikes that are thousands of miles long, walking between 25 and 40 miles a day. One of his most amazing journeys was circling the Arctic in 176 days. His boots (2) for 156 of those days and they (3) overnight. He (4) that feeling when he had to force his feet into the icy boots each morning. Unsurprisingly, he (5) ... many people during his trips and once, he (6)... 24 days completely on his own. He'd sometimes (7)... and cry, but one day he came across a herd of caribou and it (8) his perspective. He realised he was very similar - just one more creature on Earth like them. 5 Translate the Polish fragments of the sentences into English. Use used to or would where possible.1 I (przejechałem) over 100,000 kilometres in my previous car.2 (Jadaliśmy)... in restaurants more often where we lived before. There aren't many good places to eat out here.3 Before Mick started high school, he (nie podróżował) a lot. 4 Maria (bała się latać) but when she got on a plane for the first time, it wasn't as bad as she feared. 5 During his tour around Asia, Samuel (miał) an opportunity to try lots of exotic dishes 6 Think about what your parents or grandparents did during their holidays when they were growing up. Write any similarities and differences compared to what you do during your holidays.  7 Work in groups. Discuss how travelling is different now from what it used to be like in the past. Think about popular destinations, ways of travelling, and typical activities. Make a list of six differences - you can write about facts you know for sure, but you can also make your guesses about the past.Most people travel in their own cars now, but in the past they used to go by train or coach. 8 Work in pairs. Tell your partner about two of the following.Something you used to believe and why you changed your mind.Something you used to like doing and why you don't like it or do it now.Something you do now that you never used to do and why.Someone you used to spend a lot of time with and what you would do.