1 Read the article below. Make a list of things the writer liked about the place and things he didn't like.(1) It was my son's tenth birthday last week, and my wife and I thought that a visit to an amusement park would be the best present for him. We made a family trip to KidsCountry last weekend. Now that I think of it, we could have made a better choice.(2) I can't complain about the place as a whole. The rides there were enjoyable, which kept the kids satisfied, but given that the price for a family of four for the day was $195, it's just not worth it. Not when you realise that Fantasyland is cheaper. What's more, the queues are longer than at Fantasyland, as it is packed with locals. If it hadn't been as full and we'd actually got to go on more than three rides in seven hours and it was less expensive - it might have been worth it. As it is, though, I'd give it a miss and go to Fantasyland instead. (3) ... The management of KidsCountry really has a lot of room for improvement. Firstly, they could adjust the price of a family ticket so as to make it more affordable. Some more rides are also necessary, which could reduce the queues.These are minimum steps that should be taken to improve the situation. As long as the situation remains as it is, I'm definitely not taking my kids there again. I also suggest you look for another place to spend time with kids. 2 Work in pairs. Match the paragraphs (1–4) with the information the reviewer gives (a–e). Use one of the paragraphs twice.a What suggestions the reviewer makes.b What the reviewer liked about the place.c The reviewer's conclusions and recommendations.d The whereabouts of the reviewer's visit.e What the reviewer didn't enjoy.  3 Here is some more information about KidsCountry. Match the two parts of the sentences.1 The operator of one of the rides decided that my son was too short to have a ride,2 There was no place where we could buy a warm meal, 3 We often take our two children to amusement parks, 4 My younger son ate tons of candy floss,a which are their favourite attraction.b which was particularly tasty at the park.c which resulted in us leaving the park earlier to find a restaurant.d which disappointed the boy greatly.  4 Choose one of the places below and make a plan foryour article.holiday destinationlocal tourist attractionlocal café or restaurant place you have stayedMake notes about the following:the whereabouts of your visit good and bad aspects of your visit what might be improved 5 Write an article about the place you chose in exercise 4. In your article, review the quality of the place and suggest some steps that could be taken to improve its attractiveness. Use your notes from exercise 4 and some of the phrases suggested in the Useful language box. Add comments as in exercise 3. Write between 200 and 250 words.