1 Przekształć podane wyrazy tak, aby otrzymać logiczne i poprawne gramatycznie zdania.1 During my holidays I had to visit a doctor because of food… POISON2 At the camp, I had no…  as I shared the room with five other boys. PRIVATE3 We chose this car because it is known for its…  RELY4 Some new travel... are going to be introduced in this city at the end of the year. RESTRICT5 The place I live in, and people in general here in north London, are rather…  WELCOME  2 Uzupełnij lukę w każdym zdaniu pasującym wyrazem.1. he hotel was good but it took us a while to get used... spicy Mexican food.2 I am opting... a 5-star hotel as I want some luxury.  3 During our journey we visited some little villages off the... track.4 It turned… that our plane was delayed and we had to wait.5 While Barbara was spending her holidays on a small south Pacific island, she came… a woman who spoke Polish. 3 Uzupełnij drugie zdanie, używając podanego wyrazu w niezmienionej formie tak, żeby zachować sens zdania wyjściowego. W każdą lukę można wpisać maksymalnie pięć wyrazów, wliczając wyraz już podany.1 He offered to drive me to the airport. LIFT He offered…  to the airport.2 The number of hitchhikers has increased considerably within the last five years. FAR There are... now than five years ago.3 It is said that driving is more dangerous than air travel. AS It is said that driving is not ... air travel.4 Many more people travel by air nowadays. COMPARED Nowadays, more people travel …  the past.5 He used to tell us stories about his expeditionsto the Amazon. WOULD He…  about his expeditions to the Amazon. 4 Przetłumacz podane w nawiasach fragmenty zdań na język angielski.1 When I was travelling by train to Colchester, | (zostałem obrabowany)2 He (prowadził samochód)... for five hours when suddenly he lost control and hit a tree.3 This time last week my friends and I (chodziliśmy) in the mountains.4 Their car (zepsuł się)... two days earlier so they came by train.5 By the time we got to the station, our bus (już odjechał)....6 My brother (zawsze marzył) seeing Manhattan. I hope he'll go to the States soon. 5 Wybierz odpowiedź, która poprawnie uzupełnia zdanie.1 He would like to stay in China for a year to get a real… for the country and its culture.a imageb feelc perspective2 After walking around the old town for five hours, I had... feet.a soreb painless c ached3 Look at the sign. You mustn't... up here. We need to look for a parking space elsewhere.a stopb pullc pick4 Locals and tourists… out on the beach and eat ice cream cones on the promenade when it is hot.a hangb movec spend5 People know they shouldn't lie…  on the beach all day long without sun cream on, yet they do it.a aboutb alongc around6 My friend… a French language course before he moved to Paris.a had takenb was takingc takes7 They... another lane on this freeway last year only for coaches and trucks.a builtb have builtc had built