1 Work in pairs. Describe the photo, then answer the questions.1 What kind of image might the man have in front of his eyes right now? Why do you think so?2 Would you like a job that makes use of virtual reality? Why?/Why not? 3 Tell your partner about a time when you used an advanced device or technology for the first time. 2 Work as a class. Discuss the questions.1 What is the difference between an entrepreneur and a businessperson? 2 What qualities and skills do you think you need to be an entrepreneur? 3 How easy is it for young people to become businesspeople or entrepreneurs? 4 Can you think of any young entrepreneurs? Who was the youngest? What was his or her business? 3 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.1 How do people raise money for a business or a charity? 2 Who might businesspeople negotiate with? What about? 3 In what ways do businesses market products?4 What might a business or a person recover from?5 What are good and bad ways of handling pressure?  4 What may be important to start a new business? Choose the correct option.1 … something newa negotiateb inventc redesign2... money from investors.a raiseb lendc ask3 ... with suppliers to get the best deala handleb managec negotiate4 find partners to... the product in different countries.a sendb distributec deal5 have the confidence to… from failurea recoverb repairc accept6 be good at… your product to increase sales a meetingb networkingc marketing7 be capable of… stress and pressurea preparingb holdingc handling8 be able to… a diverse range of peoplea deal withb talkc get on9 … a team of peoplea apply forb figurec put together10 …. in an impressive officea liveb be basedc show 5 Work in pairs. Decide on the three most important skills in exercise 4 that make a new business a success. Can you think of any other skills?  6  Explain your choices in exercise 5 to another pair of students. Do they agree? Why?/Why not?