1 Listen to a woman talking about entrepreneurs. Think about the questions and take notes. 461 How is being an entrepreneur changing? 2 According to the speaker, what is the most important aspect of being an entrepreneur? 2 Listen again. Choose the correct option.1 What is the most important factor to set up a successful company nowadays?a It has to have a lot of workers.b It has to use modern technology.c Its office must be an impressive place.2 How did Nick D'Aloisio become a millionaire? a He was given 30 million dollars.b He sold various articles to Yahoo!c He developed an application.3 What was Amanda's key to success?a She sold her thrillers in the form of e-books. b She found a dynamic publisher who sold millions of copies of her books.c One of her books became a bestseller.4 How do crowdfunding websites help young entrepreneurs?a They make contacts with banks easier.b They make it possible to collect money from lots of smaller or larger investors.c They make it possible for companies to send gifts and say thanks to their customers.5 Which of these statements about young entrepreneurs is true?a They often go through some failures before they finally succeed.b If they use Kickstarter, the chances of success grow by 50%.c The most successful business nowadays is book publishing. 6 What is the general recipe for success according to the article?a Money from banks, a young age, and position on the market.b Passion, patience after failure, and new technologies. c Corporate leadership, investments, and useful applications. 3 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.1 How has the internet changed entrepreneurship? 2 Do you think Kickstarter is a good idea? What might be the benefits and risks of raising money this way? 3 What do you think might be good or bad about being an entrepreneur? 4 Listen to four people talking about their experiences collecting money on Kickstarter for their new businesses. Match each speaker (1-4) with the correct sentence (a–e). There is one sentence that you do not need.This speaker:a has already financed a few projects from Kickstarter. b has been unsuccessful so far in collecting money.c hasn't said what their project is.d wants to start production of a device that might be useful at parties.e has already achieved their goal on Kickstarter.1 Speaker 1:2 Speaker 2:3 Speaker 3:...4 Speaker 4: 5 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions1 What kind of businesses have the largest chances of being successful on Kickstarter? Why?2 Would you decide to support an entrepreneur by donating some money to a crowdfunded project? Why?/Why not?