4. Read the body language tips: DOs and DON'Ts \in the table below. Then, match the effects (1–5) with the tips (a-h) which may lead to the effects.DOSa use your face muscles - show emotions like amusement, surprise, disbelief, etc.b adjust your facial expression to the topic (e.g. show sadness when talk\ing about misfortune, death)c try to look at everybody and ma\inta\in eye contact d adjust your posture to the type of presentation (more formal if you're \in front of the management of your company, more relaxed if talk\ing to schoolchildren)DON'Tse don't look away (to the sides, the floor or the ceil\ing) while talk\ingf don't stare at one person all the timeg don't stay \in one place all the timeh don't fidget with your f\ingers or other objects 1 The person \in the audience will feel uncomfortable.2 The listeners will wonder why you're be\ing so nervous.3 The audience will believe that what you tell them has also its impact on your feel\ings.4 This may suggest that you're not tell\ing the truth.5 Everyone \in the audience will feel they are important to you.

My Perspectives 3. Student’s Book zadanie 4 strona 149


a. Use your face muscles – show emotions like amusement, surprise, disbelief,...

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To zadanie pochodzi ze strony 149 podręcznika 'My Perspectives 3. Student’s Book' z przedmiotu Język angielski i jest zadaniem nr 4 rozwiązanym w odpowiedzi.pl. Odpowiedź na to zadanie przygotował Sandra Sarnicka

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Ocen: Read the body language tips: DOs and DON’Ts \in the table below. Then, match the effects (1–5) with the tips (a-h) which may lead to the effects.DOSa use your face muscles – show emotions like amusement, surprise, disbelief, etc.b adjust your facial expression to the topic (e.g. show sadness when talk\ing about misfortune, death)c try to look at everybody and ma\inta\in eye contact d adjust your posture to the type of presentation (more formal if you’re \in front of the management of your company, more relaxed if talk\ing to schoolchildren)DON’Tse don’t look away (to the sides, the floor or the ceil\ing) while talk\ingf don’t stare at one person all the timeg don’t stay \in one place all the timeh don’t fidget with your f\ingers or other objects 1 The person \in the audience will feel uncomfortable.2 The listeners will wonder why you’re be\ing so nervous.3 The audience will believe that what you tell them has also its impact on your feel\ings.4 This may suggest that you’re not tell\ing the truth.5 Everyone \in the audience will feel they are important to you.

Aby, wykupić dostęp do rozwiązania zadaniania o treści 'Read the body language tips: DOs and DON’Ts \in the table below. Then, match the effects (1–5) with the tips (a-h) which may lead to the effects.DOSa use your face muscles – show emotions like amusement, surprise, disbelief, etc.b adjust your facial expression to the topic (e.g. show sadness when talk\ing about misfortune, death)c try to look at everybody and ma\inta\in eye contact d adjust your posture to the type of presentation (more formal if you’re \in front of the management of your company, more relaxed if talk\ing to schoolchildren)DON’Tse don’t look away (to the sides, the floor or the ceil\ing) while talk\ingf don’t stare at one person all the timeg don’t stay \in one place all the timeh don’t fidget with your f\ingers or other objects 1 The person \in the audience will feel uncomfortable.2 The listeners will wonder why you’re be\ing so nervous.3 The audience will believe that what you tell them has also its impact on your feel\ings.4 This may suggest that you’re not tell\ing the truth.5 Everyone \in the audience will feel they are important to you.' przejdź tutaj.
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My Perspectives 3. Student’s Book

My Perspectives 3. Student’s Book

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Nauczyciel języka angielskiego klas I - IV LO / Technikum

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