5. Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.1 Look at Ann. Why… ? What's wrong?a is she cry\ingb has she criedc does she cry2 Peter has a little problem. His hamster… from the cage and he cannot f\ind it anywhere.a is escap\ingb has escapedc escapes3 Mary can't hide her feel\ings. Her face always if… she's excited, bored or upset.a is show\ingb has shownc shows4 Our lives… more stressful s\ince we were small kids.a are becom\ingb have becomec become5 You're absolutely \right, Peter. I… that we should sometimes hide our emotions.a am agree\ingb have agreedc agree

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Ocen: Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.1 Look at Ann. Why… ? What’s wrong?a is she cry\ingb has she criedc does she cry2 Peter has a little problem. His hamster… from the cage and he cannot f\ind it anywhere.a is escap\ingb has escapedc escapes3 Mary can’t hide her feel\ings. Her face always if… she’s excited, bored or upset.a is show\ingb has shownc shows4 Our lives… more stressful s\ince we were small kids.a are becom\ingb have becomec become5 You’re absolutely \right, Peter. I… that we should sometimes hide our emotions.a am agree\ingb have agreedc agree

Aby, wykupić dostęp do rozwiązania zadaniania o treści 'Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.1 Look at Ann. Why… ? What’s wrong?a is she cry\ingb has she criedc does she cry2 Peter has a little problem. His hamster… from the cage and he cannot f\ind it anywhere.a is escap\ingb has escapedc escapes3 Mary can’t hide her feel\ings. Her face always if… she’s excited, bored or upset.a is show\ingb has shownc shows4 Our lives… more stressful s\ince we were small kids.a are becom\ingb have becomec become5 You’re absolutely \right, Peter. I… that we should sometimes hide our emotions.a am agree\ingb have agreedc agree' przejdź tutaj.
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My Perspectives 3. Student’s Book

My Perspectives 3. Student’s Book

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Rozwiązanie tego zadania przygotował nauczyciel

Sandra Sarnicka

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Nauczyciel języka angielskiego klas I - IV LO / Technikum

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